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University of London, Heythrop College

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Description: A specialist college, offering undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Theology and Philosophy.
BA Philosophy, Politics & Ethics BA Philosophy, Politics & Religion on Ethics - Wednesday 12th and 26th February Undergraduate Open Day - Wednesday 19th February Heythrop College, University of London, Kensington Square, London W8 5HN Tel: (+44) 020 7795 6600 Fax: (+44) 020 7795 4200
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Phone&Fax: 44) 020 7795


Page title:Heythrop College : Home
Keywords:Heythrop College, Heythrop, Heythrop College University of London, Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Degree, Courses, Research, Centre for Christianity and Interreligious Dialogue, Centre for Textual Studies, Centre for Eastern Christianity, Centre for Philosophy of Religion, Heythrop Institute: Religion and Society, Religious Life Institute, philosophy, theology, philosophy religion ethics, religion, ethics, philosophy theology, psychology theology, divinity, biblical studies, Christian, Christian ethics, Christian theology, spirituality, Christian spirituality, interreligious relations, pastoral liturgy, pastoral theology, psychology religion, canon law, theology, philosophy, degrees, university of london, Bellarmine Institute
Description:Heythrop College, The Specialist Philosophy and Theology College of the University of London, Heythrop College