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Haitian Hearts

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Provides medical care to Haitian children who do not have access to adequate care.
Haitian Hearts - Haiti Children, Healing Haiti, Non Profit Organization spends two to four months a year in Haiti, working in the country's clinics and hospitals. Through his general medical work, he identifies patients who need surgery or other medical care not available in Haiti. In 2013, we have brought two patients to the United States. Marie had heart surgery in Naperville and Oniste had a large tumor removed from her forehead in Denver. Woodson, an 8-year-old boy, was accepted for heart surgery in Florida in January 2014.
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Page title:Haitian Hearts - Haiti Children, Healing Haiti, Non Profit Organization
Keywords:Haitian Hearts, Haiti, Haiti Children, Healing Haiti, Non Profit Organization, Helping Haiti
Description:Haitian Hearts is dedicated to saving the lives of children - bringing children and young adults in desperate need of heart surgery from Haiti, to the United States for life-saving medical treatment. Healing Haiti's children by building a bridge between two worlds.