Service Clubs
- 24
- Tennessee District Exchange Clubs
- Includes listings of clubs in the district, officer information, and a link to the National Exchange Club.
- 25
- Junior Civitan International
- A community service organization for young people to help others, particularly those with developmental disabilities, assist those less fortunate, and promote environmental and drug abuse awareness.
- 26
- Burlington Junior Civitan
- Ontario, Canada. Meeting times and location, member directory with photos, events, and local schools.
- 27
- Newburgh Junior Civitan
- Indiana, near Evansville. Meeting times and directions, events, newsletter, and officers.
- 28
- Illinois-Eastern Iowa District Key Club
- District of Key Club International encompassing Illinois and the eastern quarter of Iowa. Includes activities message board, contact information and archives of its official publication, the Iolian.
- 30
- The Pennsylvania District of Key Club International
- The latest news, the Keystonian district newsletter, Club Officer Central, and the Picture Archive are features offered by this website.
- 31
- Kiwanis Club of Keila, Estonia
- Estonia's first Kiwanis club is located in the capital city, and dedicated to serving its community.
- 32
- Kiwanis Club of Matamata, New Zealand
- Club information, news, and projects for this community service club dedicated to serving the children of the world
- 34
- The Kiwanis Club of Te Awamutu, New Zealand
- Club meeting information, officers, service activity information for this community service club dedicated to serving the children of the world
- 35
- Lamisstenn District of Kiwanis International
- Site of the Louisiana Mississippi West-Tennessee District of Kiwanis International, including Circle K, Key Club, and Builders Club.
- 36
- New England District of Kiwanis International
- A seven-state regional organization of this international service club.
- 37
- New Zealand - South Pacific District of Kiwanis International
- Information about the New Zealand - South Pacific District of Kiwanis International. The district is the governing body for Kiwanis clubs in the South Pacific region.
- 38
- The New Jersey District of Kiwanis International
- Member area, goals, calendar, and resources that service the members and officers of Kiwanis clubs in the state of New Jersey dedicated to community service.