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The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Connecticut

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Description: Colonial lineage society chartered and incorporated under the State Laws in 1893 with the objectives to perpetuate the memory of events in American Colonial History and of the people in military and civil positions who assisted in the establishment, defense and preservation of the American Colonies from the founding of Jamestown in 1607 up to the Battle of Lexington in 1775. Provides membership application and requirements, goals , objects, and programs, history, and ancestral search.
The Society of Colonial Wars in Connecticut - Home Page The Declaration of Independence The Flags and Seals of Connecticut Connecticut, at the time of the first arrival of the English, was possessed by the Pequot, the Mohegan, the Podunk, and other smaller tribes of Indians. The first grant of Connecticut was made by the Plymouth council in England to the Earl of Warwick in 1630. Attracted by the trade with the Indians, some of the settlers of Plymouth had explored the Connecticut River and fixed upon Windsor for the establishment of a trading house.
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Page title:The Society of Colonial Wars in Connecticut - Home Page
Keywords:Connecticut, Connecticut Colonial History, Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Connecticut, Adriaen Block, Connecticut River, House of Good Hope, Hartford CT, William Holmes, Windsor CT, Wethersfield CT, John Oldham, Saybrook CT, John Winthrop Jr, Lion Gardiner, Thomas Hooker, Pequot War, John Mason, Pequot Indian history, Indian Wars in the Colonies, Colonial Militia, Quinnipiac Indians, New Haven CT, John Davenport, Theophilus Eaton, Fundamental Orders of CT, John Haynes, George Fenwick, Henry Whitfield, Guilford, New England Confederation, Phantom Ship, New London CT, Ann Dudley Winthrop, Roger Ludlow, John Dixwell, William Goffe, Edward Whalley, Union of New Haven and Connecticut Colonies, Matthew Griswold, King Philip's War, Andros, Charter Oak, French and Indian War, Fitz-John Winthrop, Colchester CT, Collegiate School, Yale, Queen Annes' War, New Haven State House, tinware manufacture, Johnathan Edwards, Great Awakening, King George's War, Roger Wolcott, Louisburg, Connecticut Gazette of New Haven, James Parker, Nathan Hale, connecticut Courant, Thomas Green, Stamp Act, Thomas Fitch, William Pitkin, New Haven Journal-Courier, Susquehanna Company, Silas Deane, Eliphatet Dyer, Roger Sherman, First Continental Congress, Lexington Alarm, Fort Ticonderoga, gun powder mill, Battle of Bunker Hill, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Declaration of Independence, Johnathan Trumbull, the Constitution State, Theological Disputes, American Colonies, Indians of Connecticut, Colonial Military, Colonial Schools, Flags and Seals of Connecticut, Colonial Towns of Connecticut
Description:The Society of Colonial Wars perpetuates the memory of events in American Colonial History and of the people in military and civil positions who assisted in the establishment, defense and preservation of the American Colonies