Clan Donnachaidh Society
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Scan day: 28 February 2014 UTC
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Description: History, crest, music, name variants and international branches.
Created by Brian Robertson © 2013 Clan Donnachaidh Society, Mid-Atlantic Branch Clan Donnachaidh (Children of Duncan) - Duncan, Reid, Robertson and Septs of those Clans Adamnan was the eighth abbot of Iona and a blood relation of Saint Columba as were the abbots before him. He was expelled from Iona by his monks because he yielded to the Roman church on the tonsure, the dating of Easter and other ....
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Page title: | Clan Donnachaidh Home |
Keywords: | Clan,Donnachaidh,Society,Mid,Atlantic,Branch,Clansmen,Clanswomen,Duncan,Robertson |
Description: | Mid-Atlantic Branch - Clan Donnachaidh Society. Membership in the Society shall be open to Clansmen and Clanswomen bearing the names of Duncan and Robertson, and the names of the accepted Septs of the Clan. |
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