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Supreme Council, Order of Amaranth

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Scan day: 28 February 2014 UTC
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Description: World headquarters for this fraternal, social and charitable order.
Supreme Council, Order of the Amaranth WELCOME TO THE HOMEPAGE OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL, ORDER OF THE AMARANTH, INC.! The Order of the Amaranth was formed as a fraternal and charitable organization whose membership of men and women with Masonic affiliation share in social activities to promote the growth of our Order. Although a belief in the existence of a Supreme Being is foremost to being a member, we welcome many faiths represented within our membership. Our Ritual is an integral part of our Order and emphasizes the values of everyday life, founded on the sublime teachings of Truth, Faith, Wisdom and Charity. It is by these teachings we strive for our own self-satisfaction and improvement while working with those who are in need of our help and assistance. .
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Page title:Supreme Council, Order of the Amaranth
Keywords:Masonry, Freemasonry, Amaranth, Supreme Council, Diabetes Research Foundation
Description:The Official web page of the Supreme Council, Order of the Amaranth, Inc.