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Sons of Norway

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Description: A fraternal benefit society interested in promoting and preserving a lasting appreciation of the heritage and culture of Norway and other Nordic countries. Site describes organization and the benefits available to members.
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Page title:Sons of Norway
Keywords:Sons of Norway, Norwegian Culture, Norwegian food, Norwegian events, Norwegian American, Norwegian camps, Norwegian ancestry, Norwegian heritage, Norwegian recipes, Norwegian recipes, Norwegian cooking, Norwegian language lessons, Norwegian travel, Norwegian genealogy, Norwegian foundation, Norwegian society, Norwegian scholarships, Norwegian grants, Nordic links, Nordic ancestry, Nordic links, Nordic heritage, Nordic recipes, Nordic cooking, Nordic language lessons, Nordic travel, Nordic genealogy, Nordic foundation, Nordic society, Nordic scholarships, Scandinavian links, Scandinavian ancestry, Scandinavian links, Scandinavian heritage, Scandinavian recipes, Scandinavian cooking, Scandinavian language lessons, Scandinavian travel, Scandinavian genealogy, Scandinavian foundation, Scandinavian society, Scandinavian scholarships, Scandinavian culture, Scandinavian grants, staying connected with Norway, travel to Norway, maps of Norway, King Harald V of Norway, learn Norwegian, Fraternal organization, fraternal, fraternal society, fraternal benefit society, insurance, philanthropy, promoting Norwegian Heritage, childrens camps, study abroad
Description:Sons of Norway was organized as a fraternal benefit society by 18 Norwegian immigrants in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on January 16, 1895. The purposes and goals of the Founding Fathers were to protect members of Sons of Norway and their families from the financial hardships experienced during times of sickness or death in the family. Over time, the mission of Sons of Norway was expanded to include the preservation of Norwegian heritage and culture in our Society. We have grown since our beginning and are now the largest Norwegian organization outside Norway.


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Creation Date: 27-mar-1996
Expiration Date: 28-mar-2015