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Slovak Catholic Sokol

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Incorporated under the laws of New Jersey, USA. In addition to offering life insurance and annuities to members in several northeastern and Midwestern states, it sponsors athletic events and provides scholarships.
Slovak Catholic Sokol - Fraternal Life Insurance and Benefit Society - Insurance Plans Annuities Athletics Short Term Investment Opportunities Long Term Investment Opportunities For over 109 years Slovak Catholic Sokol
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Page title:Slovak Catholic Sokol - Fraternal Life Insurance and Benefit Society - Insurance Plans Annuities Athletics
Keywords:fraternal life insurance and benefit society, fraternal, life insurance, benefit society, slovak, catholic, sokol, slovak catholic, catholic slovak, annuity, whole life, term life, slovak catholic, slovak catholic fraternal, slovak catholic sokol, sokol, athletics, bowling, basketball, softball, golf, volleyball. walking, track and field, gymnastics, calisthenics, falcon, slovakia, fraternalism, protection, sound mind, sound body, sports, tournament, dash,
Description:Celebrating 106 years of service, the Slovak Catholic Sokol is America's Greatest Athletic Fraternal Benefits Society. Since July 4, 1905, we offer maximum insurance protection at minimum rates. We promote physical fitness amongst our members through various programs and activities. Our local churches are supported through membership activity. We offer a variety of grants for collegiate, secondary and elementary school members. With these initiatives, our member are encouraged to fulfill our Slogan - A Sound Mind in a Sound Body. We are not just another insurance company,we are a way of life. Join Us Today!