MainSocietyOrganizationsAnimal Welfare › Tuba City Humane Society

Tuba City Humane Society

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Scan day: 28 February 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: Community effort to rescue stray animals. Contact information and photographs of available pets.
Desert Animal Companions: People Helping Animals on the Navajo Nation -- Tuba City Humane Society Tuba City Humane Society is a nonprofit organization founded in May, 1994, by a small group of community members who were concerned about the overpopulation problem of dogs and cats roaming the community.
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Contact Information



Page title:Desert Animal Companions: People Helping Animals on the Navajo Nation -- Tuba City Humane Society
Keywords:Navajo, Navajo Nation, Tuba City Humane Society, Navajo Nation Puppy Program, Navajoland, First Nations, stray dogs, abandoned dogs, feral dogs, companion animals, RUFF, R.U.F.F., spay/neuter, animal rescue, animal shelter, animal control, animal welfare, Navajo Nation Veterinary Program, Plateauland, Desert Dogs, Sharon Morgan, Glenda Davis
Description:A resource and gathering place for information related to the groups and individuals working to better the lives and health of companion animals on the Navajo Nation.