The Royal Australian Navy in the Vietnam War
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Description: Vietnam Veterans' Association of Australia, including information about Australia's involvement in the Vietnam War, as well as a range of current issues relating to Australian Vietnam Veterans.
The Royal Australian Navy in the Vietnam War The Royal Australian Navy in the Vietnam War Reproduced with kind permission of the author, Joe Straczek, Senior Naval Historical and Archives Officer The Royal Australian Navy's role in the Vietnam War is sometimes overlooked by comparison with the Army's larger numerical involvement. As well as serving in ships deployed to Vietnam naval personnel served in clearance diving teams, the Navy helicopter flight, in logistic support roles and in medical teams.
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Page title: | The Royal Australian Navy in the Vietnam War |
Keywords: | armour, australia, vietnam, viet nam, veteran, association, vvaa, vva, war, combat, asia, soldier, sailor, airman, officer, offr, trooper, tpr, battalion, bn, division, div, regiment, regt, company, coy, squadron, sqn, platoon, pl, section, sect, gunner, gnr, craftsman, cfn, artillery, arty, field, engineer, fd, engr, commander, cmdr, commanding, commission, non-commission, warrant, wo, lance corporal, lcpl, l cpl, corporal, cpl, sergeant, sgt, staff, ssgt, s sgt, lieutenant, lieut, leut, lt, captain, capt, major, maj, colonel, col, brigadier, brig, general, gen, commodore, cdre, admiral, adm, pilot, flying, flight, flt, wing, wg, air, marshall, leading, seaman, petty, chief, aircraftsman, advocate, advocacy, pension, dva, department of veterans affairs, signals, sigs, signallers, ordnance, cavalry, tanks, guns, personnel, carrier, 1 rar, 2 rar, 3 rar, 4 rar, 5 rar, 6 rar, 7 rar, 8 rar, 9 rar, 1 bn, 2 bn, 3 bn, 4 bn, 5 bn, 6 bn, 7 bn, 8 bn, 9 bn, 1st bn, 2nd bn, 3rd bn, 4th bn, 5th bn, 6th bn, 7th bn, 8th bn, 9th bn, alpha, bravo, charlie, delta support, sp, administration, admin, mortar, anti-tank, pioneer, viet cong, vc, medals, dcm, mm, dfc, campaign, ribbon, citation, presidential, cross, gallantry, meritorious, unit, clearance, diving, team, training, aattv, cdt, chemical, agent pink, agent green, agent orange, agent purple, agent white, tordon, agent blue, phytar, borate-chlorate, dalipon, dinoxol, diuron, gramoxone, paraquat, hyvar, bromocil, monuron, picloran, dioxin, toxic, birth defect, mpc, post traumatic stress, ptsd |
Description: | Web site of the Vietnam Veterans' Association of Australia, including information about Australia's involvement in the Vietnam war, as well as a range of current issues relating to Australian Vietnam veterans |
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