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Huntleys In The Military

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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Since 1675, Huntleys have been donning uniforms, taking up arms, and fighting to defend this great land and its inhabitants. This site is dedicated to preserving the memory of their actions.
Since 1675, Huntleys have been donning uniforms, taking up arms, and fighting to defend this great land and its inhabitants. This site is dedicated to preserving the memory of their actions At this time, there are 1,507 Huntleys listed on this site.  Most of
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Page title:Huntleys In The Military
Keywords:huntley, huntly, war, king philips, french, indian, revolution, revolutionary, 1812, oregon, civil, spanish, american, world, 1, 2, I, II, korean, vietnam, desert, storm, shield, navy, marine, army, air force, merchant, coast guard
Description:Since 1675, Huntleys have been donning uniforms, taking up arms, and fighting to defend this great land and its inhabitants, This site is dedicated to preserving the memory of their actions.