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The Farm

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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: An intentional community located in south central Tennessee.
New book contrasts the early days of communal living from the present day experience presents the story of a group that has defied the odds, blending idealism with a practical approach to intentional community and creating a model for sustainable living. Just as the Monday Night Classes taught students to open their hearts and minds, The Farm continues as a school of change, demonstrating ways to operate collectively in terms of:
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Page title:The Farm
Keywords:Ecovillage, Sustainable, Right Livelihood, hippies, biochar, carbon-negative, carbon farming, vegan, cooking, transformation, hope, utopia, press, media archive, clippings, news service, appropriate technology, daily update, Alternative, Village, Farm, Summertown, communities, vision, recipes, planet, ecology, poverty, development, sexual revolution, sexual liberation, future, pollution, global, strawbale, Home Preparedness, Civil Defense, Medical Care, First Aid, Home Care, family, children, Water, Waste Disposal, Heat, Light, Equipment, Tools, Gardening, Greenhouses, Medical Care, Woodstoves, Canning and Preserving, Natural Cures, Cisterns, Dry Toilets, Hand Pumps, Photovoltaics, SolarDrying, Visually-impaired, Growing Mushrooms, Cold Frames, Sprouts, Lanterns, petrocollapse, peak oil, Root Cellars
Description:Community Sustainability