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Canadian Constitutional Documents

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Description: The complete set of constitutional materials relating to the constitution of Canada, including proposals, preconfederation documents and miscellaneous documents.
Canadian Constitutional Documents Canadian Constitutional Documents (C) Copyright 1994-2011 William F. Maton Quota pars operis tanti nobis committur? Memory - A practical quality which allows us to weigh what has already been done against what might be done now. Memory is therefore a key to responsible action....Romanticism is a fantasized version of the past. Unpleasant events and personal or national failures are erased, while comforts and successes are exaggerated. Or wrongs may be exaggerated and comforts and successes erased. On either side romanticism is intended to energize false hopes. In its most exaggerated form it denies the relevance of memory and constructs free-standing abstract ideologies.
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Page title:Canadian Constitutional Documents
Keywords:Canadian, Constitutional Law, canada, constitution, British North America, Constitution Act
Description:The complete set of constitutional materials relating to the constitution of Canada, including proposals, preconfederation documents and miscellaneous documents.