San Joaquin Association of Legal Assistants
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Scan day: 28 February 2014 UTC
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Description: The association promotes, encourages and expands the paralegal profession by serving as a forum for the interchange of ideas among paralegals in Fresno County and surrounding areas.
Fresno Paralegal Association -Fresno County Formerly San Joaquin Association of Legal Assistants The Fresno Paralegal Association promotes, encourages and expands the paralegal profession by serving as a forum for the interchange of ideas among paralegals in Fresno County and surrounding areas.
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Page title: | Fresno Paralegal Association -Fresno County |
Keywords: | SAN JOAQUIN ASSOCIATION OF LEGAL ASSISTANTS,fresno paralegals,fresno legal assistants association,fresno paralegal association,legal assistants,Fresno,Fresno County,paralegal,job bank,employment,opportunities,California,SJALA,law,lawyer,paralegal,attorney,legal education,seminars,paralegal certification,certification,legal seminars,legal,association,legal association,national association,National Association of Legal Assistants,Certified Legal Assistant,CLA,paralegal profession,certification,legal knowledge,fresno paralegal |
Description: | The SAN JOAQUIN ASSOCIATION OF LEGAL ASSISTANTS - PARALEGALS promotes, encourages and expands the paralegal profession by serving as a forum for the interchange of ideas among paralegals in Fresno County and surrounding areas. |
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