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Proprietary Rights in Hypertext Linkages

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Description: A thesis that there is no legal grounds for excluding the operation of hypertext linkages. [JILT: The Journal of Information, Law and Technology] (June 30, 1998)
Electronic Law Journals - JILT 1998 (2) - Burk Proprietary Rights in Hypertext Linkages Plaintiffs in several recent court cases have claimed that unauthorised hypertext linkages infringe the intellectual property rights of the owner of the target material. Such claims could potentially chill the robust development of hypertext networks. However, such claims of legal liability based upon theories of copyright, trademark, or false designation of origin appear to be unfounded. When properly analysed against the operation of hypertext linkages, none of these theories of liability offers a sufficient ground for excluding such links.
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Page title:Electronic Law Journals - JILT 1998 (2) - Burk
Keywords:JILT, law and IT, 1998 (2), Burk, copyright, intellectual property, trademark, contributory infringement, fair use, liability
Description:Electronic Law Journals - JILT 1998 (2) - Burk