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Delia Venables

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Description: Links to legal sites in the United Kingdom and Ireland
Solicitors and Legal Resources in the UK and Ireland, maintained by Delia Venables Legal Resources in UK and Ireland maintained by Delia Venables Individual legal topics - accidents, conveyancing, crime, debt, divorce, driving law, employment, housing, wills...
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Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 0808 155 9070


Page title:Solicitors and Legal Resources in the UK and Ireland, maintained by Delia Venables
Keywords:delia venables, legal, legal advice, free legal advice, solicitor, solicitors, law, lawyer, legal Academic Resources and Journals Online, Agricultural Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Adjudication, Arbitration and Mediation, Arts Law, Business, E-Commerce, Financial, Corporate, Competition, Cybercrime, Compliance, Charities, Civil Justice and Civil Procedure, Computer and Internet Law, Computer Evidence, Construction, Conveyancing, E-Conveyancing, Property, Planning, Land Registry, Courts, Crime, Police, Prisons, Magistrates, Data Protection, Privacy, Defamation, Media, Department for Consitutional Affairs, Discrimination and Disability, Education Law, Employment Law, Environmental Law, Family, Divorce, Children, Family Finance, Food, Freedom of Information, Government, Legal Aid, Harassment, Health, Medical, Mental Health, Health and Safety, Housing, Human Rights, Immigration, Intellectual Property, Patents, Trade Marks and Multimedia, Insurance, International Organisations, Public International Law, International Trade Law, Legislation and Parliaments, Local Government, Marketing, Medical Resources, Medical Negligence, Military, Notaries, Partnership Law, Patents and Trade Marks, Pensions Law, Personal Injury, Medical Negligence, Politics, Political Parties, Religion, Regulatory Law, Professional Conduct, Professional Negligence, Solicitors' Costs, Re-insurance, Shipping, Marine Law, Freight Forwarding, Scottish Legal Resources, Sex Law, Social Security, Social Care, Community Care, Benefits, Sports Law, Tax Law, Tax Fraud, Trading Standards, Transport and Travel Law, Trusts, Wills, Probate, Welsh Legal Resources
Description:The site contains registers of solicitors and barristers on the web and legal resources, mainly free, in the UK and Ireland.


Name servers:
Last updated: 18-Nov-2012
Expiry date: 28-Nov-2014