Legal Information
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- Michael D. Bonasera - The Ohio Trust & Estate Blog
- Comments on estate and trust planning and legislation.
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- Messina & Hankin LLP, Lawyers
- At Messina & Hankin, our Murrieta and Newport Beach business attorneys are highly experienced and have diverse backgrounds in finance, real estate, and business to provide the range of quality representation our clients deserve. Serving individuals and businesses across Orange County and Riverside County, our lawyers utilize 150 years of collective experience and collaborate to provide the most effective counsel. We take pride in our knowledge as well as our commitment to excellence in every single case we take on. You can count on aggressive yet strategic representation when you work with Messina & Hankin.
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- Cordell & Cordell -
- Resource for divorced and divorcing fathers, with legal information, statues, and a message board.
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- Divorce Central
- Links to divorce-related resources, organized by state, with an archive of articles and interviews.
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- Information for events before, during, and after divorce, with links to professionals to help with the process.
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- A non-profit institute, providing information and assistance for those who wish to obtain a Jewish divorce: a GET.
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- Lee Borden -
- Divorce resources, including negotiation tactics, tax, legal, and emotional issues, from an Alabama divorce mediator and attorney.
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- Mills & Reeve -
- An overview of divorce in the UK, including the law, mediation options and emotional support, from Mills and Reeve.
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- New York State Unified Court System
- Information about state divorce and family law, including forms, phone numbers and addresses.
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- Separation and Divorce
- Flash animated guides to divorce, one for children aged 5-12, and a second for preteens and teenagers, from the Government of British Columbia, Canada.
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- Information, links, and newsletter for people affected by divorce, from Broken Heart Publishing.
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- Arizona Divorce & Family Law Blog
- Commentary on family law and litigation, sponsored by law firm Nirenstein Garnice Soderquist PLC.
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- Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy
- Teaching and research center at the University of Virginia which also conducts forensic evaluations, makes policy recommendations to government bodies, and holds conferences for mental health and justice professionals.
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- MacArthur Research Network on Mental Health and the Law
- Striving to build the empirical foundation for the next generation of mental health laws, to assure the rights and the safety of individuals and of society.
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- Psychiatry & Law Update
- Information on psychiatry and the law, from forensic psychiatric consultant William H. Reid, M.D., M.P.H.