MainSocietyIssuesWarfare and Conflict › Democratic Republic of Congo Democratic Republic of Congo

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Description: Political background to the DRC conflict.
The Democratic Republic of Congo — Global Issues Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All The Democratic Republic of Congo The Democratic Republic of Congo Last Updated Saturday, August 21, 2010
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Page title:The Democratic Republic of Congo — Global Issues
Keywords:Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, Democratic Republic, conflict, war, refugees, Congo, Kabila, Mobutu, Africa, diamonds, coltan, minerals, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Eritrea, Zambia, Nigeria, Zaire, South Africa, globalissues, global issues
Description:This part of the web site looks at the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Media coverage is poor and yet there have been millions of refugees and over five million killed since the war began around August 1998. Yet the rich country leaders and their media drew everyone’s attention to 2000 ethnic Albianians being killed in Kosovo (to gain support for a war there). There seems to have been far less attention, because it does not seem to directly threaten rich countries, even though they may benefit from many of the rich resources found in the DRC, for which many are fighting over. This is indeed a global issue where various countries are fighting each other, and others are benefit, all while millions of locals die or have their lives ruined.