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Eyewitness Accounts of Taliban Massacre in Yakaolang

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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Describes a massacre of around 300 people in Yakaolang, in January, 2001 by the Taliban, with photos and links. Documented by the Revolutionary Association of Women if Afghanistan.
Eyewitness accounts of Taliban massacre in Yakaolang Eyewitness accounts of Taliban massacre in Yakaolang The massacre of around 300 people in Yakaolang, which took place on 9th January 2001 by the Taliban, has been observed without much ado by the governments and media of the world. In a situation where our country has been besieged politically and economically by regional and global powers, the voice of our nation is bound captive in the claws of fundamentalists and their foreign guardians, thus remaining unheard. RAWA, which considers itself the loyal ally to the desires of the people of Afghanistan, and especially the deeply pained women of the country, takes as its revolutionary duty to break the fundamentalists' and their foreign allies' blockade of silence and to carry the just voices of our oppressed people to every nook and corner of the world.
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Page title:Eyewitness accounts of Taliban massacre in Yakaolang