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Another Poster for Peace

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Scan day: 28 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Group of designers who are committed to the peaceful and just resolution of the situation by offering their copyright-free art to the public. Includes ideas for using the art and a mailing list.
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Page title:Another Poster for Peace
Keywords:truemajority,true majority,act for change,actforchange,famous,fantastic,fuck war,coalition,coaltion for peace ,peace movement, united for peace,move on pac,move on,moveon,international answer,answer,graphics,art,enlighten,enlightenment,powerful,alternative,alternatives,Kimberly Cross ,hanimator,patriots for peace,peace train,Provocative,high-impact anti-war posters by leading American designers: free and downloadable online ,print it out,put it up,pass it on,free anti war posters,free printable posters,free art poster,print a poster,printable,inspirational poster ,no cost poster resource,printable resource,free resource,free graphics,posters for peace,poster for peace,peace poster ,designers for peace,posters ,free posters,peace posters,copyright free posters,graphic design,art,free art,free design,design,free post cards,copyright free,copyright free art,copyright-free, copyright-free art,free,no war,anti-war,war,protest,demonstration ,vote,no war against iraq,for the people,freedom to choose,not in our name,Iraq ,war,peace,antiwar,no bombing,Patriot Act,TIPS,Israel,Palestine,say no to war,steven lyons ,steve mehallo ,milton glaser,michael mabry,ellen gould ,akiko ito ,michael cronan,rick tharp,Kimberly Cross,protest,Bush,anti-war,labor,women,workers,Black,Latino,Asian,Arab,African,Native,union,lesbian,gay ,peace,disabled,oppression,exploitation,liberation,masses,International Answer ,Moveon
Description:Graphic designers nationwide are organizing to create high impact anti-war art that's free and downloadable online.