Warfare and Conflict
- 41
- Laurier Centre for Military Strategic and Disarmament Studies
- Foster research, teaching, and public discussion of military and strategic issues of national and international significance. Research activities on military history and the strategic analysis of defence operations, peace-keeping, and arms control.
- 42
- Pope John Paul II On Disarmament
- Message to the General Assembly of the United Nations stating that disarmament efforts cannot concern only some countries or be centered one type of weapon.
- 43
- UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)
- UNODA promotes nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, strengthening of the disarmament regimes in respect to chemical and biological weapons, and disarmament efforts in the area of conventional weapons, especially landmines and small arms, which are the weapons of choice in contemporary conflicts.
- 44
- Verification Research, Training and Information Center (VERTIC)
- Verification as a means of ensuring confidence in the implementation of treaties or other agreements in areas of peace, security, arms control, disarmament and the environment.
- 45
- Western States Legal Foundation
- Information and analysis for peace and environmental activists. Provides WSLF publications, government documents on nuclear weapons policy and related topics, and web links.
- 46
- Building Markets
- A non-profit foundation that promotes the growth of private enterprise in post-conflict economies by helping donors, aid agencies, and investors support local labor and business.
- 47
- Campaign for US Base Clean Up
- Network of organizations and individuals working to clear U.S. military toxics and for bases clean up in the Philippines.
- 48
- Environmental Warfare: 1991 Persian Gulf War
- Analysis of environment pre/post war by professor Paul R. Baumann, Department of Geography, State University of New York.
- 49
- UNEP Post-Conflict Assessment Unit
- United Nations body with specialized environmental expertise work in areas of the world where the natural and human environment has been damaged as a consequence of conflict. Information on current activities, maps, publications, press and photos.
- 50
- Global Guerrillas: 4GW -- Fourth Generation Warfare
- An overview of the key concepts by John Robb, May 2004.
- 51
- Nanotechnology and International Security
- How technologies emerging over the coming decades will undermine military stability while causing economic and political turmoil. The need to move beyond deterrence to an integrated international security system. Article by Mark Avrum Gubrud, Center for Superconductivity Research, University of Maryland, 1997.
- 53
- FutureWar
- Texts and papers, articles, bibliography, intelligence, military, technology, and academic.
- 55
- Information Warfare - Defense
- Report of the DSB Task Force on Information Warfare (Defense). The DSB is a Federal Advisory Committee established to provide independent advice to the Secretary of Defense.
- 56
- Information Warfare on the Web
- A comprehensive guide to information warfare resources on the Web, as well as a directory of points of entry to related resources.
- 57
- Information Warfare: Internet Guide
- Compilation of key WWW sites addressing the subject of information warfare (IW) and relevant issues. Compiled by Randall Whitaker, Ph.D.
- 58
- MS. Guidance - Cyberwar
- A database of information warfare and psychological operations. Includes journals, resources and intelligence papers.