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The Feminist Majority: Sexual Harassment 911

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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Provides information on definitions and legal options, along with a database of resources.
Sexual Harassment - National Hotlines & Resources - Feminist Majority Foundation FOR JOBS NEWS & ALERTS: National Hotlines & Resources These groups and agencies deal with sexual harassment on the job or in school settings. Click on the letter that corresponds to the first letter of your state.
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Page title:Sexual Harassment - National Hotlines & Resources - Feminist Majority Foundation
Keywords:sexual harassment, workplace discrimination, equal employment, employed women, sexual harassment hotlines, hostile work environment, workplace harassment, workplace harassment resources, national hotlines, workplace harassment
Description:The Feminist Majority Foundation works for social and political and economic equality for women by using research and education to improve women's lives. The Feminist Majority Foundation Online features daily feminist news with 'take action' ideas, domestic violence and sexual assault hotlines, a feminist career center, information on feminism including women and girls in sports and more feminist research resources.