Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek
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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Web site of German denier Germar Rudolf. Contains thousands of denial texts, including entire books and journals.
Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek The World's largest website for Unsere neuesten Bucherscheinungen Last update : October 22, 2012 (still alive!) www.vho.org will be completely revamped in the near future!
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Page title: | Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek |
Keywords: | Vrij Historisch Onderzoek, V.H.O., VHO, Berchem, Antwerp, Antwerpen, Anvers, Castle Hill Publishers, revisionism, révisionnisme, Revisionismus, Holocaust, Shoah, Denial, Denier, Leugner, Third Reich, Drittes Reich, Hitler, Endlösung, Final Solution, Jews, Juden, Juif, World War II, Zweiter Weltkrieg, Contemporary History, Zeitgeschichte |
Description: | Revisionist publications online (mainly in German), and for purchase (deutsch, français, netherlands, English, italiano). Index of revisionist publications available online, index of censorship. |
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