- 24
- The Causes of Poverty
- Contains information of the causes of poverty, its impact, economic democracy, and facts and statistics.
- 25
- End Poverty 2015
- Information, news and other resources about the campaign to implement the eight millennium development goals.
- 26
- The End of Poverty - Wikipedia
- Article on Jeffrey Sachs vision on the possibility to end extreme poverty by 2025 and implementing the millennium goals.
- 27
- The End of Poverty: An Interview with Jeffrey Sachs
- Mother Jones interviews Jeffrey Sachs about his blueprint for transforming the developing world and bringing an end to extreme poverty.
- 28
- The Millennium Project: A plan for meeting the Millennium Development Goals
- Article in The Lancet by JD Sachs and JW McArthur. [PDF] (January 12, 2005)
- 29
- Monitoring Poverty and Social Exclusion
- Statistics on poverty and social exclusion. Produced by New Policy Institute with support from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- 31
- HomeBase
- Public policy law firm in San Francisco, California, providing policy briefs, research, library and other resources regarding homelessness, principally in the Bay area.
- 32
- Homelessness: Programs and the People They Serve
- Demographic portrait of homeless individuals and families based upon 1996 survey of 11,909 homeless programs and 4,207 clients.
- 33
- National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE
- National resource center of research and information with links, library, legislation tracking, searchable index related to the education of homeless children and youth.
- 34
- National Center on Family Homelessness
- Research, Fact Sheets and links regarding family homelessness.
- 35
- National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
- Legislative information, web links, technical assistance for service providers and other resources regarding homeless veterans.
- 36
- National Health Care for the Homeless Council
- Research, clinical practice guidelines, training materials newsletters and other resources related to healthcare for homeless people.
- 37
- National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty
- Fact sheets, legal briefing materials, links, legislative tracking, agency information and other resources from this legal resource center.
- 38
- National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness
- Action guide and other materials aided at students.