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Nebraskans For Peace

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Statewide grassroots advocacy organization working nonviolently for peace with justice through community-building, education and political action. Publishes annual Cat Lovers Against the Bomb calendar.
The following guest editorial appeared in the Monday, February 3, 2014 edition of the  By Paul A. Olson and David Forsythe We should watch what our senators are saying about Middle Eastern negotiations. Nebraskan for Peace and the United Nations Association of Nebraska do not agree on all matters of war and peace (we have differing foci for our work). However, we agree on three principles concerning American negotiations with Iran that we see our Nebraska senators as potentially going against: that we (1) should not bomb Iran in the present circumstances; (2) should work with the interim agreement with Iran and support ongoing UN negotiations; and (3) should not blow-up the present negotiations though imposing further sanctions.
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Page title:Nebraskans for Peace
Keywords:peace, justice, non-profit
Description:Nebraskans for Peace is a statewide grassroots advocacy organization working nonviolently for Peace with Justice through community building, education and political action.