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Marin Peace and Justice Coalition

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Scan day: 28 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Upcoming events, mailing list, suggested reading.
Home - MPJC | Marin Peace & Justice Coalition ordinary people doing extraordinary work The Political Scene in Marin and Beyond Landscape Water Conservation During Drought Learn the Water-saving Benefits of Being a Drip (System) User,
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Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 888.832.9839


Page title:Home - MPJC | Marin Peace & Justice Coalition
Keywords:mpjc, peace, marin, justice, coalition
Description:Moved by the event of 9/11 we came together to challenge our government's unethical and illegal military response. Peaceful and just solutions will prevail only if we examine our nation's policies at home and abroad and address the root causes of war and terrorism. Let us be guided by compassion as we challenge war and stop the terror of poverty, inequality and injustice. Let us bring together the widening circle who want to make real a world that works for all.