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Human and Constitutional Rights

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Description: Includes constitutional rights charts, links to human rights and constitutional rights websites, news, and resources.
Human & Constitutional Rights Thank you for visiting This website is no longer being updated. March 26, 2008 This site is maintained by the Arthur W. Diamond Law Library at Columbia Law School.
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Page title:Human & Constitutional Rights
Keywords:human rights, human, rights, political, prisoners, conscience, united nations, universal declaration, human rights, persecution, imprisonment, prison, torture, execution, abuse, refugees, trials, abolition, death penalty, cruel, inhumane, degrading, war, violence, humanitarian, oppression, campaigns, violence, inhumanity, detention, penalty, kidnap, interrogate, victimize, execute, massacre, mass graves, mass execution, genocide, illegal, extrajudicial, murder, court martial, kangaroo courts, dissident, udhr, corporal punishment, minorities, custody, treaties, disrimination, intolerance, racialism, brutality, force, military, state, repression, junta, freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, detention, children, human rights, constitutional rights, human, constitutional, rights, south africa, law resource, reed foundation, human rights,constitutional rights, human, constitutional, rights, human rights,constitutional rights, human, constitutional, rights, nations, Burmese, US, Cases, Burma, burma,Mexico, Truth Commission, Commissions, President , President Bush, Military Tribunals, Tribunals, Organization of African Unity, OAU, African Union, AU, Africa, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Charter, Charter, Fundamental, Rights, European Union, Former Hot Topics, Hot Topics, Topics, New Court for Khmer Rouge Trial, Khmer Rouge Trial, Khmer Rouge, Khmer, Trial, Trials, Pinochet Declared Unfit for Trial in Chile, Pinochet, Chile, Kosovo Crisis, Kosovo, Crisis, Lawrence Inquiry, Lawrence, Stephen Lawrence, Israel, East Timor
Description:Human & Constitutional Rights Resource Page - Includes constitutional rights charts, links to human rights and constitutional rights web sites, hot topic pages and other resources.