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Colombia Human Rights Network

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Scan day: 28 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Organization aims to defend and promote human rights through coalition building. Includes news, historical information, calls for action and newsletter. [English/Spanish]
Colombia Human Rights Network Home Page We're suspended temporarily for development: Ultima Modificación: 10 del diciembre del 2008 Official U.S. and U.N. Statements Trade Union Leader, Guillermo Rivera Fuquene, Disappears
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Page title:Colombia Human Rights Network Home Page
Keywords:colombia human rights network, Colombia, human, rights, Colombia human rights, human rights, peace, justice, derechos humanos, displacement, displaced, desplazamiento, desplazados, guerrilla, paramilitary, drug war, drugs, drogas, drug trafficker, narcos, narcotraficantes, impunity, impunidad, paramilitares, military aid, asistencia militar, Colombia Update, School of the Americas, Escuela de las Americas, massacre, masacre, violencia, violence, coca, poppy, amapola, spraying, fumigacion, indigenous, Indians, indigenas, indios, urgent action, accion urgente, Columbia
Description:The Colombia Human Rights Network's mission is to promote the defense of human rights through coalition building between organizations in the United States and in Colombia - La misi&oacuten de la Red de Derechos Humanos en Colombia es promover la defensa de los derechos humanos a trav&eacutes del establecimiento de coaliciones entre organizaciones en los Estados Unidos y en Colombia