Human Rights and Liberties
- 21
- The Center for Justice and Accountability
- Works to deter torture and other severe human rights abuses around the world by helping survivors hold their persecutors accountable.
- 24
- University of Minnesota Human Rights Meta Search Engine
- Meta search engine for searching multiple human rights sites. Library includes a large collection of international human rights, and links to other human rights and international law sites.
- 25
- World Audit of Democracy and Human Rights
- Focus is on democracy, human rights, press freedom, corruption and the rule of law. Daily news on democracy and human rights, links and e-commerce facilities for human rights publications.
- 26
- Affirmative Action Reconsidered
- E-text of a 1975 monograph by Thomas Sowell that examines the claims and counterclaims surrounding affirmative action as it has been implemented in academia.
- 28
- : Freedom of Speech in Sports
- Article discusses pro baseball player John Rocker's inflammatory racist statements and his right to freedom of expression.
- 29
- Charlton Heston and Political Correctness
- Speech to the Harvard Law School Forum February 16, 1999 on the idea that political correctness is invading our freedom of thought and speech.
- 30
- Free Speech Movement Archives
- Documents, photos, and essays on the events of the 1964 movement in Berkeley. With updates and reunions.
- 31
- Freedom of Expression - Freedom Magazine
- Perhaps the most essential right is that of communication. Without the freedom to communicate, other rights deteriorate.
- 32
- International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX)
- Network of free expression groups that monitors violations worldwide. Issues alerts, publishes a weekly newsletter and hosts a searchable alerts online archive.
- 33
- Off The Hook June 2000
- Twenty-six Hundred dot com pages on challenges to their free speech on hacking computers.
- 34
- The Freedom Forum Online
- A nonpartisan, international foundation advocating free press and speech rights for all people. Holds conferences, educational activities, publishing, broadcasting, online services, fellowships, partnerships, research and other programs.
- 35
- U.S. Broadcasters Arrested
- Reports that nine alternative media members were arrested during peaceful protests at the National Association of Broadcaster's convention in San Francisco.
- 36
- Canadian Journalists for Free Expression
- Defends journalists' rights and supports the development of media freedom in Canada and throughout the world.
- 37
- Index on Censorship
- Provides subscription information for bi-monthly magazine promoting free speech. Also includes assortment of online articles.