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UK Cannabis Internet Activists

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Scan day: 28 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Watchdog on politics, effects and history of cannabis, industrial uses, research and events. Provides suggestions on individual involvement as well as a directory.
The UK Cannabis Internet Activists UKCIA `UKCIA is an archive site of information about cannabis. If this is your first time here, please read the UKCIA Cannabis Video Collection EX-SCRA – Exposing Synthetic Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists : A UKCIA / CLEAR awareness campaign about “synthetic cannabis”. EX_SCRA is a campaign for real cannabis run by CLEAR Cannabis Law Reform
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Page title:The UK Cannabis Internet Activists UKCIA
Keywords:UK Cannabis Internet Activists: cannabis uk, uk cannabis, cannabis, legalise cannabis, internet, activist, legalise, activists, campaign, prohibition, drugs, reclassification, great britian, canabis, hemp, marijuana, skunk, weed, blow, bong, splif, spliff, blunt, Hemp, Bhang, Dagga marijuana, medical, marijuana, cannabis, sativa, cannabis, information, pictures, canabis, cannibus, cannibis, canibus, growing, hemp, seed, drug war, marihuana, THC, drug testing, urine test, urinalysis, creatinine, delta-9, tetrahydrocannabinol, marinol, dronabinol, ganga, hashish, hash oil, hallucinogen, hallucinations, euphoria, cannibinoids, hair, water pipes, bongs, rolling joints, industrial, hemp, paper, cancer, chemotherapy, AIDS, HIV, positive, buyer clubs, cultivation, alcohol, prohibition, John Walters, legalization, psychedelics, bird seed, munchies, eating, brownies, pot, herb, weed, grass, blunt, skunk, doobie, joint, smoking, dope, reefer, california, prop 215, oregon, octa, tax, 420, zero tolerance, just say no, sinsemilla, mary jane, narcotics, beatles, NORML psychosis,menatal health,cbd,potency
Description:The UK Cannabis Internet Activists Website: Website of the Legalise Cannabis UK Campaigns. Cannabis Information and UK Cannabis, UK campaigning for hemp, marijuana , cannabis.