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DWI Resource Center

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Scan day: 28 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A New Mexico based education and awarenessorganization. Provides victim services, employer services, and point of sale material.
DWI Resource Center, Inc. - Reducing DWI death & injury in New Mexico through data-driven, research-based solutions. The DWI Resource Center is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 New Mexico organization formed to reduce the social and economic impact of DWI through public awareness, education, prevention programs and research. The Center also provides assistance to victims and serves as a central clearinghouse for information on DWI and victims' rights.
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Contact Information

Phone&Fax: 505.881.1084


Page title:DWI Resource Center, Inc. - Reducing DWI death & injury in New Mexico through data-driven, research-based solutions.
Keywords:DWI research, DWI statistics, DUI statistics, DUI research, New Mexico DWI information
Description:The DWI Resource Center is a 501c3 non-profit formed to reduce DWI death and injury in New Mexico. The Center is committed to reducing the social and economic impact of drunk driving in New Mexico through research, education, public awareness, and DWI prevention programs.