- 101
- Stop Infant Circumcision Society
- Florida-based organization presents its mission statement, photographs, cartoons, and schedule of meetings.
- 102
- Yuki's Intactivism Resources
- Arguments that infant circumcision is a barbaric act and why parents should respect their son's human rights and leave him intact.
- 103
- Child Circumcision: Legal Issues
- Links to articles that discuss the legal aspects of neonatal male circumcision.
- 104
- Attorneys for the Rights of the Child
- An international network of attorneys and supporters addressing the multi-faceted issue of genital mutilation of children, particularly the practice of male circumcision.
- 105
- Circumcision Resource Center
- A nonprofit educational organization with the purpose of informing the public and professionals about the practice of circumcision.
- 106
- Doctors Opposing Circumcision
- International organization of physicians, and others who are opposed to routine neonatal circumcision. [Seattle Washington]
- 107
- International Coalition for Genital Integrity
- An alliance of international organizations dedicated to protecting normal anatomy and ending unnecessary genital cuttings for both males and females.
- 109
- The National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males is a direct-action men's network organized against circumcision of healthy male infants and children.
- 110
- NORM Southern California
- Group for men who have concerns about being circumcised, are considering restoration. Provides information about benefits, consultations, and a message board.
- 111
- Students for Genital Integrity
- Working to end forced genital cutting through awareness campaigns targeting students, parents, teachers, and health care providers.
- 112
- Abriged Ethics Essay: Routine Infant Circumcision
- This essay debates the pros and cons of routine infant circumcision in regard to the ethics of the procedure.
- 113
- Circumcised at 13
- An illustrated comic book about circumcision and unrequited love. By Jeremy Jusay.
- 114
- Circumcision: A Lifetime of Medical Benefits
- Information about scientific evidence that circumcision helps prevent infant kidney infections, HIV, penile cancer, and local disorders.
- 116
- In Memory of the Sexually Mutilated Child
- Collection of quotes and explicit pictures concerning the risks and complications, both physical and emotional.
- 117
- Intactivism Pages: AAP Positions on Male and Female Genital Modification
- A comparison of the AAP's statements on male and female genital modification.
- 118
- NOHARMM - Critical Analysis of the 1999 AAP Statement on Infant Circumcision
- A synopsis and assessment of the policy statement.