- 61
- Alternative Mental
- Alternative Mental is a guide to alternative mental health(non-psychiatric, health-oriented). The site features a directory of practitioners, organizations and experts from several countries.
- 63
- Mind, Body and Society
- Enquiry and research on the interplay between mind, body, and society. Includes sections on consciousness, psychosis, imagination, health, sickness, and death.
- 64
- Report Psychiatric Abuse
- Citizens' Commission on Human Rights (CCHR)Database of psychiatric crimes; form for reporting psychiatric abuses; video presentation.
- 65
- The First Grrrl
- She spent years championing the rights of the disabled and the forgotten. When she became the underdog in her own life, she struggled just as fiercely to save herself.
- 66
- The Thomas S. Szasz Cybercenter for Liberty and Responsibility
- Advances the debate about Thomas S. Szasz's basic ideas and their practical applications.
- 67
- International Threats to Health Freedom - CODEX
- Collection of articles, mainly by John Hammell, sorted by date.
- 68
- More Proof of the Global Harmonization Scam to Wipe Out Access to Vitamins
- "The Drug Cartel's effort to 'Harmonize' the laws world-wide in order to KNOCK OUT competition from the dietary supplement industry is no longer mere conspiracy theory!"
- 69
- Dramatic restrictions to our herbs and vitamins via CODEX
- Scary news - CODEX, which overwhelmingly represents the huge pharmaceutical cartels, is attempting to wrest control of vitamins and herbs away from natural health food shops and others - and to criminalise selling vitamins for preventive purposes! Why? Because prevention hurts their profits! (November 01, 1998)
- 70
- Codex Showdown in Berlin Points to Dire Need for Congressional Oversight of FDA
- "If we fail to get the Codex draft proposal for vitamins and minerals removed entirely... consumers world wide will be deprived of access to potency levels within the therapeutic range, restricted to strictly RDA levels of nutrients, and deprived of health information about these products via labels and labeling. Moreover, anything without an RDA would be regulated as a 'drug.' This would kill millions of people." (October 07, 1998)
- 71
- Addressing Tobacco In Managed Care
- Set of research articles on how and why tobacco use is a priority in managed care, and what can be done about it.
- 72
- FindLaw Legal News: Tobacco
- Updates on tobacco law from international to local, tobacco ligitation updates, and tobacco industry documents that feature in tobacco law.
- 73
- People Advocating Vaccine Education (PAVE)
- Aims to help the public make informed and intelligent decisions about childhood and adult vaccines.
- 74
- Vaccination Information Service
- Video/DVD called "Vaccination: The Hidden Truth," seminars, articles, and links.
- 75
- Vaccine Safety
- Provides data that suggests vaccines may cause diabetes, asthma, allergies, autoimmune diseases, cancers, and Gulf War Syndrome.
- 77
- NPR : Chickenpox Vaccine Risks
- The chickenpox vaccine may have an unintended consequence -- putting adults at higher risk for shingles, a related illness. NPR speaks with Yale University professor Sydney Spiesel about the chickenpox virus and the risks of the vaccine. [3:39 streaming audio broadcast] (March 20, 2006)
- 78
- Drinking Water Resources
- Provides information on the safety and quality of drinking water. Details on contaminants and health effects, particularly on children.