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- Fat Friendly Health Professionals
- Based on patient referrals. Also has tips on how to evaluate and educate a new health care provider.
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- Dimensions
- Published bimonthly as a forum for those with a preference for the large figure and the people who attract them.
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- Radiance
- Radiance, the magazine for large women. It is an empowering, 56-page, glossy, colorful magazine for wowen all sizes of large.
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- NAAFA Oklahoma
- A Tulsa based organization where people of size can feel at home. Hosts meetings and social events for people of size and those who admire them.
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- National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance
- NAAFA is a non-profit human rights organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for fat people. NAAFA has been working since 1969 to eliminate discrimination based on body size and provide fat people with the tools for self-empowerment through public education, advocacy, and member support.
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- Southern California Size Acceptance Coalition
- Fighting for size acceptance in Southern California through activism as a civil rights issue to make all aware of size acceptance.
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- Big Fat Lazy Gluttons
- This website goes way beyond mere fat acceptance. It's for people who enjoy being fat, and are deliberately gaining weight to see how fat they can become, and are not in the least concerned about the health risks involved.
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- Camryn Manheim
- Site of the Emmy award winning star of "The Practice", author of Wake Up, I'm Fat!, and advocate of size acceptance.
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- For Big Girls Only
- Helping to further the idea that fat and sexy go hand in hand. Daily entries from the "Diary of a Fat Girl" journal plus lots of plus size resources and information.
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- Girls Who Love Fat Guys
- A site with links and resources for BHM (big handsome men) and FFA (female fat admirers).
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- Features rants about fat discrimination and clothing for fat people. Contains some graphic language.