- 221
- Trinkets and Trash
- Gallery of cigarette ads and tobacco industry promotional items: t-shirts, caps, radios, and a wide variety of other items designed by tobacco companies to sell cigarettes, spit tobacco, and cigars.
- 222
- Tobacco's Smokescreens Revealed
- Recent research identifies tobacco industry strategies to fight, delay, and water down health warnings, to prevent regulation of the tobacco industry, to circumvent advertising restrictions, and to give tobacco giant Philip Morris more lobbying power. (December 06, 2003)
- 223
- Smoking, The African American Community and The Proposed National Settlement
- Scholarly article analyzes how well the proposed June 20 1997 federal tobacco deal addresses the impact of tobacco on the African American community; internal tobacco industry documents are cited on how the industry targetted African Americans.
- 224
- External Influences on News
- Lecture outline for college class on media features tobacco examples of self-censorship by news organizations.
- 225
- Frontline: Smoke in the Eye: Jeffrey Wigand
- Transcript of Frontline report on Wigand, the censored 60 Minutes show, the tobacco industry, and media.
- 226
- Interview of Dr. Stanton Glantz
- Frontline interview; covers the Brown and Willaimson documents; the "settlement"; public health activities; the industry. "This is an industry whose whole thinking and behavior has been dominated by avoiding responsibility for its actions".
- 227
- Media Firms Buy Their Way To Political Access
- Center for Public Integrity report on media political power covers the connections between the tobacco industry and media, such as $1.1 billion in cigarette advertising, and what it buys.
- 228
- The Truth About Secondhand Smoke
- Report on the science, the industry's attack on the science, and the practical significance of secondhand smoke, from GASP of Colorado.
- 229
- Widower Awarded Compensation in First Secondhand Smoke Fatality Case
- On December 8, 1995, the U.S. Department of Labor ruled that a hospital nurse's cancer death was due to her on-the-job exposure to secondhand smoke.
- 230
- BAT and Tobacco Smuggling
- Collection of around 150 internal British American Tobacco (BAT) documents, illustrating the extent of BAT's involvement in cigarette smuggling in Asia and Latin America.
- 231
- NOW: In Depth - The Black Market Peso Exchange
- Documentary on cigarette company involvement in drug money laundering.
- 232
- NOW: In Depth - Tobacco Traffic
- PBS documentary on cigarette smuggling "used by the biggest tobacco companies as a tool to break into markets all over the world. "
- 233
- Legacy Tobacco Documents Library
- Digital library of internal tobacco industry documents from the files of top tobacco companies. Over 5 million documents, over 20 million pages, relating to scientific research, manufacturing, marketing, advertising and sales of cigarettes. Searchable and indexed by the University of California at San Francisco.
- 234
- Philip Morris USA, Inc. Document Site
- Provides public with access to documents produced by Philip Morris USA, Inc., as part of the Attorneys General Master Settlement Agreement.
- 235
- R..J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Online Litigation Document Archive
- Provides public with access to documents produced by R..J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, as part of the Attorneys General Master Settlement Agreement.
- 236
- The Council for Tobacco Research--U.S.A., Inc.
- Provides public with access to documents it produced, as part of the Attorneys General Master Settlement Agreement.
- 237
- The Tobacco Institute Document Site
- Provides public with access to documents produced by The Tobacco Institute, as part of the Attorneys General Master Settlement Agreement.