Government Operations
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- Government Accountability Project: Whistleblower Support
- Whistleblowing, governmental wrongdoing and official misconduct.
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- Government Purchasing Project
- Dedicated to protecting the environment and human health through the effective use of purchasing power in addition to traditional advocacy. GPP works to encourage the government to use its immense purchasing power to promote safe, cost-effective, energy-efficient, and environmentally-sound products.
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- America for Sale?
- Site charges that "America and its laws are for sale to the highest bidder." Police, county, state, and government abuse stories and discussion.
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- America's Survival, Inc.
- Mission is to expose and educate the American people about the influence of global institutions, including an International Criminal Court, on their lives. Run by Cliff Kincaid.
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- Better Government Association
- Originally founded 75 years ago to fight the pernicious influence of Chicago's Capone mob. Today continues to investigate waste, fraud and corruption in politics and government.
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- CIA Testing LSD on Citizens
- Stansfield Turner's testimony at 1977 Senate Hearing on the subject of this agency using Lysergic Acid on unwitting subjects.
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- Center for Governmental Studies
- Non-profit, non-partisan organization that studies and helps implement innovative approaches to improving social problems and the processes of self-government in the areas of political reform, media and civic participation, and sustainable communities.
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- Center for Public Integrity
- Nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization in Washington, DC, that concentrates on ethics and public service issues.
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- Congressional Accountability Project
- Ralph Nader organization working against corruption in the US Congress by pushing for ethics violation investigations, increased transparency and other reforms.
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- Federation of American Scientists
- Topics covered include arms sales monitoring, biological weapons, cyberstrategy, intelligence reform, military analysis, monitoring emerging diseases, nuclear weapons, secrecy and government, and space policy. Also has links to various Washington-based working groups.
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- Going Postal: An Inside Look at the USPS
- A story of four years of hell as a US Post Office letter carrier.
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- The web site of the Center for Responsive Politics, a non-partisan, non-profit U.S. research group which tracks money in politics and its effect on elections and public policy. Aimed at creating a more educated voter, an involved citizenry, and a more responsive government.
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- Project on Government Oversight
- A non-partisan non-profit government watchdog whose mission is to investigate, expose, and remedy abuses of power, mismanagement, and government subservience to special interests by the federal government.
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- Public Governance and Management, OECD
- Topics include regulatory reform, public sector budgeting and management, sustainable development, citizen participation in policymaking, and fighting corruption.
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- The Taxpayer Assets Project
- Founded by Ralph Nader in 1988 to monitor the management and sale of government property.
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- Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
- Uses the Freedom of Information Act to acquire data and trends information on the enforcement activities of the federal government including the FBI, IRS, Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Drug Enforcement Administration.
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- How Stuff Works: U.S. Census
- Defends the census, explaining some of how it works from a Census office kind of perspective.
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- Prisoners of the Census
- Criticizes how the U.S. census counts prisoners and includes factsheets, testimony, and research on how economic and political resources are allocated based on population.
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- A Draft After the 2000 Elections?
- There may yet be a military draft in the future if for those turning 20 in 2001, once the elections are out of the way. Documents key members of Congressional military committees, for the first time in a generation, are discussing revival of the draft.
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