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The Primitivist Critique of Civilization

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Asks what person who has grown up with cars, electricity, and television would relish the idea of living without a house, and of surviving only on wild foods.
The Primitivist Critique of Civilization This website has not been updated for some years. This website has been left as it may still contain useful content. The Primitivist Critique of Civilization A paper presented at the 24th annual meeting of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, June 15, 1995.
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Page title:The Primitivist Critique of Civilization
Keywords:civilization, primitive life, primitive people, human nature, primitivism, primitive, civilized, spirituality, wild, Primitivist
Description:...what person who has grown up with cars, electricity, and television would relish the idea of living without a house, and of surviving only on wild foods?