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Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Protects employees who protect the environment. It provides a valuable service to government employees and contractors charged with safeguarding the nation's natural resources. Rather than work on environmental issues from the outside, PEER works with and on behalf of employees to effect fundamental change in the way their resource agencies conduct the public's business.
Public servants working through PEER to protect: As a service organization assisting federal, state & local public employees, PEER allows public servants to work as "anonymous activists" so that agencies must confront the message, rather than the messenger.
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Page title:PEER - Home
Keywords:Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, PEER, whistleblower, federal employee rights, public environment, governmentenforcement, government accountability, government ethics, environmental crime, Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, BLM, US Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Refuges, Timber Theft, Public Lands, Public Domain, National Parks, Geologic Survey, Water Quality, Department of the Interior, NOAA, public lands, rangelands
Description:Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) is a national non-profit alliance of local, state and federal scientists, law enforcement officers, land managers and other professionals dedicated to upholding environmental laws and values.