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Beyond Pesticides

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides provides information on pesticides. Current actions and newsletters including pesticide safety and alternatives.
Beyond Pesticides works with allies in protecting public health and the environment to lead the transition to a world free of toxic pesticides. We know that pesticides and bees don’t mix and that particular pesticides, such as neonictinoids, pose significant threats to bee populations worldwide, but a recent study conducted by researchers at Pennsylvania State University have identified that it is “the mix” of the many
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Page title:Home — Beyond Pesticides
Keywords:pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, organic, pesticide, herbicide, insecticide, toxics, pesticide alternatives, IPM, lawn care, west nile virus
Description:Beyond Pesticides offers the latest information on pesticides and alternatives, as well as ongoing projects including children's health, organic food, mosquito control and organic lawn care.