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NPR : All Things Considered : Senioritis

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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
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Description: High schools and colleges are cracking down on so-called 'senioritis'. New research suggests that students who slack off at the end of high school are likely to have a tough time making it through college. [Streaming audio broadcast of 4 minutes 30 seconds.] (May 10, 2001)
NPR's Pippin Ross reports that it's almost a tradition for highschool seniors to let their studies slide in their last months of school. But high schools and colleges are cracking down on so-called 'senioritis'. New research suggests that students who slack off at the end of high school are likely to have a tough time making it through college.
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Page title:Senioritis : NPR
Description:NPR's Pippin Ross reports that it's almost a tradition for highschool seniors to let their studies slide in their last months of school. But high schools and colleges are cracking down on so-called 'senioritis'. New research suggests that students who slack off at the end of high school are likely to have a tough time making it through college.