- 21
- Global Research Business Institute
- Based in UK, the GBRI is an educational body conducting outreach to business executives, journalists and civil servants, promoting a greater understanding of globalization and its consequences.
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- Global Trade Negotiations
- News articles, working papers and links to various trade-related resources, such as NGO sites and government positions on trade policy.
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- The Case for Free Trade and Open Immigration
- Online book that makes the case for unilateral free trade and open borders.
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- U.S. Council for International Business
- Promotes an open system of world trade, finance, and investment from the perspective of business.
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- American Monetary Institute
- A foundation dedicated to the study of monetary history, monetary theory and monetary reform.
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- Federal Reserve Board Speech from 09/05/97
- Alan Greenspan, America's foremost central planner, on money supply and inflation.
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- Foundation for the Advancement of Monetary Education
- A non-profit group that advocates honest monetary weights and measures and argues against fiat monetary systems.
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- The Mechanics of Inflation: The Great Government Swindle and How It Works
- Your government takes money away from you by printing or spending with a deficit, causing inflation. This article explains how and why.
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- The Money Is No Good
- An alternative view examining the role of money, reassessing the workmanship that goes into new "larger portrait" currency, and taking a closer look at the economics behind globalization.
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- GATA and LeMetropole Campaign
- Extensive multi-year research has led the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) to the conclusion that the gold market is being overtly manipulated; and that the relationship of available physical gold to outstanding gold loans poses a serious risk to the U.S. and global financial systems.
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- Power Elites & Monopoly Power
- This article deals with exploitative monopolies, their causes and cure and with such ideas as laissez-faire economics, monopoly, regulations, and socialism.
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- Corporate Welfare Information Center
- Large database of information on United States government subsidies to corporations, including general information, specific examples, statistics, sample reform legislation, and mailing lists.
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- Kick All Agricultural Subsidies (Kick-AAS)
- Organization working to abolish all agricultural subsidies in the United States. Argues that agricultural subsidies in industrialized countries harm third-world farmers by denying them the opportunity to compete fairly.
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- Roosevelt's Message to Congress on Price Control
- Argument by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941 for Congress to pass legislation capping prices to prevent unchecked inflation.
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- WTO: Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
- Outlines the World Trade Organization's position on various types of subsidies and measures that can be taken to remove or counter their negative effects.
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- Marketing and information resource for current investment opportunities arising from privatization in developing countries and economies in transition. Sponsored by The World Bank Group.
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- Michigan Privatization Report
- Quarterly periodical of articles and book reviews, addressing topics such as the Michigan Civilian Conservation Corps, notable attempts at privatization, outsourcing, and the public schools in Grand Rapids. Provided by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.
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- Privatization: All in Favor of Privatization, Raise Your Hand
- Articles and book reviews related to privatization in Michigan. Published by Mackinac Center for Public Policy, Spring 2002.