- 21
- MI5 Espionage Solutions
- Works to protect the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from subterfuge, terrorism, subversion and all other forms of badness and evil. Includes employment opportunities and a list of enemies.
- 22
- Secrets of the Royal Canadian Snow Police
- Outlines plans for global domination, by a fictional Canadian force. Includes plans for self-defense and favorite games of the snow police.
- 23
- World's Stupidest Conspiracies
- Publicly submitted conspiracies. Topics include Martians, psychic Gypsies and secret agent math teachers.
- 24
- Christians and Conspiracy Theories
- Concerning the rumors and urban legends that have infected modern prophetic teaching in the Christian community.
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- Special Services Against the Ordinary People
- Covert use of narcotics, toxins, chemical and biological weapons by special services against peaceful population for behavior modification.
- 29
- International Coalition Against Microchips
- Coalition against the use of microchips in humans. Provides information, articles, strategies, support, forums, and mailing list.
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- Discover information on how and why poisonous aerosols are possibly related to electromagnetic radiation. Find articles, guestbook and links.
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- Chemtrails
- Photo gallery offers images of the sky over the Mid-Hudson New York State region. Also offers related links.
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- Chemtrails and Weather Mod
- Information and pictures. Chemtrails vs contrails controversy. Government conspiracy theories.
- 34
- Chemtrails-Contrails
- An extensive website proving that chemtrails are a secret government conspiracy. CIA and military coverup.
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- Debunking Chemtrails
- Presents evidence that the so-called chemtrails are nothing more than normal contrails.