MainSocietyIssuesChildren, Youth and Family › Kid Protection Network

Kid Protection Network

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Scan day: 07 February 2014 UTC
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Description: A resource for community safety for children. Information, support letters, pamphlets, links.
[email protected] Kid Protection Network Mission Statement Our number one national security priority is the safety of all kids from the terrorists they face within our own borders. Kid Protection Network is a grass-roots effort to mobilize the nation to work together to insure all children are safe from the terrorists they face within our own borders. Terrorists in this context refers to sex offenders, child abductors, gangs, drug dealers, cyber terrorists.
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Page title:Kid Protection Network
Keywords:gangs,terrorists,child safety,national security,Children Missing In Action,drug dealers,cyber terrorists,child abductors,amber alert,neighborhood watch,volunteer,pro-actve,notice this is a kid protection area we call 911,murder,sex offender,violence again children,victims,community,diversity,abduction,pow/mia,Sandy Hook,stalking children,sexual assault,code adam
Description:Children Missing In Action. Our number one national security priority is the safety of children from all races to be safe from child abductors, sex offenders, drug dealers, gangs, cyber terrorists.