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WhenU Spams Google, Breaks Google "No Cloaking" Rules

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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: Author presents detailed evidence to show that WhenU sends bogus search results to search engines, in violation of search engines' rules.
WhenU Spams Google, Breaks Google "No Cloaking" Rules WhenU Spams Google, Breaks Google "No Cloaking" Rules : Web site "cloaking" is the practice of providing different web content to users than to search engines. Through cloaking, WhenU elevates the visibility of sites it selects, while pushing critics' sites lower in search engine rankings. This article documents my finding that WhenU has used cloaking on at least eleven web sites, and that WhenU has linked to its cloaked sites with hidden code on Upon learning of these behaviors, search engines Google and Yahoo
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Page title:WhenU Spams Google, Breaks Google "No Cloaking" Rules
Keywords:spyware regulation license confusing pop-ups search engine spam cloaking google yahoo
Description:WhenU sends bogus search results to search engines, in violation of search engines' rules.