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Slashdot: A New Low for Web Advertisers: Pop-Up Downloads

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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
Virus safety - good
Description: Report on Gator's pop-up downloads, followed by reader discussion of this and other tactics used by Gator.
A New Low for Web Advertisers: Pop-Up Downloads - Slashdot on Monday April 08, 2002 @09:31AM from the measuring-new-lows-jinxes-us-all dept. "I thougt it was strange that I had been getting a lot of pop-up download prompts for the Gator software as I browsed around the web in the recent days. Why were all these sites requiring this Gator thing I wondered? Well I wonder no more... as apparently advertisers hit a new low by running '
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Page title:A New Low for Web Advertisers: Pop-Up Downloads - Slashdot
Description:rizzmanix writes: "I thougt it was strange that I had been getting a lot of pop-up download prompts for the Gator software as I browsed around the web in the recent days. Why were all these sites requiring this Gator thing I wondered? Well I wonder no more... as apparently advertisers hit a new lo...