Richard Stallman Calls for Amazon Boycott
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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Discussion of Linux Today article by Richard Stallman. [Slashdot]
Richard Stallman Calls for Amazon Boycott - Slashdot on Monday December 13, 1999 @10:52PM from the take-to-the-virtual-streets! dept. is reporting that Richard Stallman is calling for a because they are suing based on a software patent."
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Page title: | Richard Stallman Calls for Amazon Boycott - Slashdot |
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Description: | Ian Lance Taylor writes "Linux Today is reporting that Richard Stallman is calling for a boycott of Amazon because they are suing based on a software patent." RMS also says, "Amazon is not alone at fault in what is happening. The US Patent Office is to blame for having very low standards, and US... |
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