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Advertising in the Media

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Scan day: 15 February 2014 UTC
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Description: Curricular resources and instructional materials for teachers and students. Lots of useful links. Part of the Community Learning Network.
Advertising in the Media Theme Page This "Theme Page" has links to information about Advertising in the Media. Students and teachers will find curricular resources (information, content...) to help them learn about this topic. In addition, there are also links to instructional materials (lesson plans), which will help teachers provide instruction in this theme. Please read our
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Page title:Advertising in the Media
Keywords:CLN, Community Learning Network, Educational Content, Curriculum, Instruction, lessons, lesson plans, instructional tips, K-12, K-12 Teachers, K-12 Students, Integrate the Internet, Classroom, Student Learning, Internet in the Classroom, Open School, Open Learning Agency, OS, OLA, media studies, advertising, advertising in the media
Description:The primary focus of the Community Learning Network (CLN) is to help K-12 teachers integrate Information Technology into their classrooms. This CLN menu page provides links to Media Studies curricular resources and instructional materials (lesson plans) in the specific topic of advertising in the media