- 261
- SEC Charges CMS Energy Corp. with Fraud in Round-Trip Energy Trades
- According to SEC, CMS arranged "massive pre-arranged trades that, despite lacking economic substance, grossly inflated CMS's reported revenues." [SEC] (March 17, 2004)
- 262
- SEC to Settle Charges Against Bank of America for Market Timing and Late Trading
- SEC had charged that the BoA's Capital Management and Securities subsidiaries facilitated market timing and late trading by Canary hedge fund and others. [SEC] (March 15, 2004)
- 263
- SEC's Agreement to Settle Civil Fraud Charges Against Fleet for Undisclosed Market Timing
- SEC had charged that Fleet's subsidiaries Columbia Management Advisors and Columbia Funds Distributors allowed certain preferred mutual fund customers to engage in short-term and excessive trading. [SEC] (March 15, 2004)
- 264
- SEC Files Civil Fraud Case Against Fleet for Market Timing Arrangements
- It charged that FleetBoston's Columbia Management Advisors and Columbia Funds Distributor allowed certain customers to engage in short-term and excessive trading, while prohibiting others. [SEC} (February 24, 2004)
- 265
- SEC Charges Martha Stewart, Broker Peter Bacanovic with Illegal Insider Trading
- Complaint alleges that Stewart committed illegal insider trading when she sold stock of ImClone Systems after receiving an unlawful tip from Bacanovic and subsequently both lied during investigation.[SEC] (June 04, 2003)
- 266
- Army Corps Clears Halliburton
- "The head of the Army Corps of Engineers quietly exonerated Halliburton Co. of any wrongdoing in a Kuwait fuel-delivery contract that Pentagon auditors asserted has overcharged the U.S. government by more than $100 million." By Neil King. (January 06, 2004)
- 267
- Halliburton's High-Power Ties to U.S. Government
- "The giant Texas-based corporation landed many lucrative Iraq reconstruction contracts, which many consider a problem because Cheney is Halliburton's former CEO. [John] Burnett reports that the company's high-profile federal government connections have existed since World War II." [NPR] (December 24, 2003)
- 268
- Cheney's Role in Halliburton Contracts Debated
- "Critics believe Vice President Dick Cheney steered work to the company he once headed. But industry experts say Halliburton likely won the deal for other reasons." By John Burnett. [NPR] (December 23, 2003)
- 269
- Examining Halliburton's 'Sweetheart' Deal in Iraq
- "Halliburton has what appears to be a super sweetheart deal, but military contracting experts say the reality is quite a bit more complicated." By John Burnett. [NPR] (December 22, 2003)
- 270
- Windows Ruling is Biggest IP Heist in EU History, Claims MS
- Looks at EU's order to remove Media Player from Windows from a Microsoft lawyer's perspective. [The Register] (March 24, 2004)
- 271
- Windows Costs Less Than Linux. A bit. Sometimes - MS study
- Microsoft spins TCO to battle Linux. (December 03, 2002)
- 272
- MS fights Open Source with Freebies - An Eyewitness Writes
- How important is market share? They give away software to keep it. (December 02, 2002)
- 273
- Halloween VII: Survey Says
- MS admits its Linux-bashing is a failure. Most polled found the MS FUD offensive, one third want OSS because it isn't made by Microsoft. (November 07, 2002)
- 274
- Namibia Wisely Spurns MS 'Gift' in Favor of Linux
- For just thirty thousand dollars, small African country can get $2000 in software. (October 31, 2002)
- 276
- MS plays volume licensing upgrade card against Naked PCs
- Volume licensing programs are only an upgrade? How to sell your product once, and get paid twice. (August 27, 2002)
- 277
- MS soft-pedals SSL hole
- Trustworthy computing in action: Don't worry about our missing security. (August 16, 2002)