Australian Council of Professional Historians Associations
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Description: Federation Australian state professional history organizations.
Australian Council of Professional Historians Associations (ACPHA) Australian Council of Professional Historians Associations ') else document.write('') var curpos=10 var degree=10 var curcanvas="canvas0" var curimageindex=0 var nextimageindex=1 function fadepic(){ if (curpos' //* else //* tempobj.innerHTML='' if (repeat=='no'){ //* if ((nextimageindex==1)&&(a==1)) //* return; //* if (nextimageindex==0) //* a=1; //* } //* nextimageindex=(nextimageindex
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Page title: | Australian Council of Professional Historians Associations (ACPHA) |
Keywords: | ACPHA, Australia, Historical research, historian, consultant, cultural heritage, local history, school, business, church, histories, bibliographies, chronologies, land tenure, tour organiser, heritage tours, architectural history, indexer |
Description: | The Australian Council of Professional Historians Associations (ACPHA) was officially launched in 1996 to represent professional historians at the national level in Australia. ACPHA also seeks to develop dialogues with government bodies and other institutions and agencies which are involved in the areas of history, culture and heritage. |
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