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The California Bear Flag Revolt - 1846

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Description: Eyewitness account by John Bidwell of Fremont in the conquest of California.
The California Bear Flag Revolt - 1846 Frémont in the Conquest of California By John Bidwell (Pioneer of ’41). IN the autumn of 1845 Frémont came on his second exploring expedition to California. This time he [John Frémont] divided his party east of the Sierra Nevada and sent the greater portion to come in through a gap supposed to exist farther to the south, while he followed substantially what is now the emigrant road, or Truckee route, and came direct to Sutter’s Fort with about eight or nine men. At that time I was in charge of Sutter’s Fort and of Sutter’s business, he being absent at the bay of San Francisco. Frémont camped on the American River about three miles above the fort. The first notice of his return to California was his sudden appearance, with Kit Carson, at the fort. He at once made known to me his wants, namely, sixteen mules, six pack-saddles, some flour and other provisions, and the use of a blacksmith’s shop to shoe the mules, to enable him to go in haste to meet the others of his party. I told him precisely what could and could not be furnished—that we had no mules, but could let him have horses, and could make the pack-saddles; that he might have the use of a blacksmith’s shop, but we were entirely out of coal. He became reticent, and, saying something in a low tone to Kit Carson, rose and left without saying good-day, and returned to his camp. As they mounted their horses to leave, Frémont was heard to say that I was unwilling to accommodate him, which greatly pained me; for, of course, we were always glad of the arrival of Americans, and especially of one in authority. Besides, I knew that Captain Sutter would do anything in his power for Frémont. So I took with me Dr. Gildea, a recent arrival from St. Louis, across the plains, and hastened to Frémont’s camp and told him what had been reported to me. He stated, in a very formal manner, that
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